I could see the dissemination of information as I walked over to the main building. It started while I was on the sidewalk. School had been out for three minutes. There was a steady stream of kids heading for the bus lot. I was surprised at the number headed into main. I was physically abused by the children that pressed against me and shoved me. I heard the kids talking around me. I can hear the buzz. Apparently there is a fight somewhere and by the time I can get into the main building there are children running past me screaming "Fight" as they stream past me and shove me out of the way. I get into the main building and I see children running past me and pushing past me and some of them are hollering "FIGHT." I hear the stream of children running and I HOLLER, "They are running off a cliff" Actually there are at least two children who turn and seem astonished about that and they don't run toward the Niagara stream of children that are running toward the general melee.
Would it be racist to say that there was one singular ethnicity involved in the streaming running throng toward the fight?
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