I was walking in the other morning and I heard one boy say to another boy "Now she says it burns when she pees." I can only wonder what the line before that might have been.
Was he asking for advice? Did he think that one of the other boys might have a solution for that? I'm thinking he might get a response such as "My god sister's homegirl said if you shake up a coke and put it up there it will make the burning stop." Sage advice to be certain.
Today in the hall there was a boy going by and he'd obviously been hit in the face. He said he was headed to Youth Action to talk to the detectives. As he looked well abused I inquired. He told me he'd been jumped by five guys to get his I Phone 4. I was suitably horrified until he told me that he shot at them. Finding out that the boy was 16 I was concerned about him walking around near my home carrying a gun and he said he had a permit for it. Texas may be open minded about guns but I don't think 16 year olds are licensed to carry handguns on a public street.
I brought it up in my class and certain students said that the boy absolutely SHOULD have shot at them to "defend hisself." They said that on that street that there were a lot of boys who liked to jump other boys, so that walking through demanded protection. This is four blocks from my home. I told them that I thought that was a lousy world to live in and they said "Miss, that's just how it is now." I told them it wasn't like that everywhere and another student said "Miss, where isn't it like that?"
I really think I need to leave the hood....
I hope that you are still out there and, please -- continue to write. It has been a while.